Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Policy

Prepared January 2020: Reviewed January 2022: Next review January 2024

Prepared by Perri Lewis


Mastered Studios is committed to a policy of continuous quality assurance leading to quality improvement. This means robust, accurate and ongoing self-assessment which leads to real improvement in the quality of provision and learner experience and success. The self-assessment process is a grassroots upwards process which involves the whole company. 

Self-assessment is validated through a Self-Assessment Report/ Quality Improvement plan (SAR/QIP) review meetings and other review meetings held by key groups such as Senior Management Team meetings. Satisfactory and less than satisfactory performance is challenged. 

Policy scope 

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidance regarding key aims and actions relating to Mastered Studios quality assurance procedures and links with its Teaching and Learning Strategy. 

Policy aims

Mastered Studios aims to have robust and accurate self-assessment which leads to real improvement. To achieve this we must: 

- Create staff confidence in the self-assessment process 

- Expect all staff contribute to self-assessment and to quality improvement 

- Operate within a coherent quality cycle 

  1. Mastered Studios aims to be outstanding in all areas of Teaching and Learning. To achieve this we must: 

- Provide opportunities for all staff to develop outstanding practice. Analyse the capabilities of our staff through observation feedback and recording online sessions, learner voice feedback and provide the appropriate professional development to ensure they have the skills necessary to deliver outstanding practice. For tutors/assessors/instructors/coaches/mentors this will focus on the skills to deliver inspirational teaching and learning.

- Analyse all staff PDRs and identify staff development needs in order to form a year’s programme of CPD events 

- Ensure the mentoring observation cycle is accurate and is used to improve teaching and learning 

- Sample assessment and ensure consistency across the organisation

- Share good practice across the company, in all areas of company business, through a variety of mechanisms 

- Establish the aspiration for outstanding teaching and learning 

- Challenge satisfactory and less than satisfactory performance through Quality Improvement Plan and Action Plan Review meetings

- Recognise and celebrate outstanding performance of all staff 

- Dedicated Quality Manager at Director level 

  1. Mastered Studios aims to enable outstanding instruction. To achieve this we must: 

- work with authorised and/or suitably qualified instructors 

- facilitate instructors to work together weekly in peer groups to support one another, sharing best practice and further enhancing quality delivery.

- have a lead instructor who is responsible for the overall quality of instruction and continuous learning amongst the instructors. 

- replace instructors who fall below the required standard when necessary.

  1. Mastered Studios aims to carry out rigorous action planning and monitoring. To achieve this we must: 

- Devise action plans that will achieve year on year improvement 

- Rigorously monitor quality improvement plans and targets through SAR/QIP Review meetings 

- Inform all staff on the ongoing monitoring of quality improvements 

  1. Mastered Studios aims to achieve very high satisfaction for all of our learners, staff and other stakeholders. To achieve this we must: 

- Learn from and act upon learners’, staff and other stakeholders’ comments in surveys and forums to improve their experience 

- Ensure these surveys are available in alternative formats, like telephone calls, in order to maximise response rates 

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