Guide to Coaching


Whatever leads you to coaching, we want you to have a great conversation with your coach and receive support you value.  Here is some information to help you make the most of your sessions, and remember you can contact your Experience Manager if you have any questions.

What is coaching?

At its simplest, coaching is a conversation that offers thinking time with a skilled practitioner.  The aim of coaching is to focus on working through challenges or concerns you have identified, and to change what isn’t working for an approach that does.

What can I discuss with my coach?

It’s likely you’ve been offered coaching to support you with a challenge or concern you’re facing, and therefore the focus of sessions would be in relation to this.  In the past, creators have received support with their communication approach, time management, confidence, negative self-talk, procrastination, neurodivergent traits etc

Is what I share confidential?

Yes, to a point.  Coaches complete a feedback form following each session and share (at a high level) what actions have been agreed.  Coaches meet once a month, and if they feel you may benefit from additional, or a different form of support, they may raise this during the meeting.  If there is anything you would prefer not to be shared on the feedback form, or during the coaches meeting, you can confirm this with your coach.  

Please note, the only time a coach will need to share information beyond these two routes is due to safe-guarding, and if they believe you, or someone else, is at risk of harm. 

What usually happens?

You will receive a calendar invite with details of the coaching session, including a Zoom link.  At the start of the session, the coach will usually begin by asking a few questions to support you ease into the conversation.  After this they’ll explore what you want to focus on, and begin to support you with this.

Making the most of your sessions

For you to get the most from coaching, we encourage you to consider these “top tips” that can be applied before, during and after your sessions. 

Reflection: Take a few minutes before the call to think about the topics that you want to explore, and what you’d ideally like to achieve by the end of your conversation.Physical environment: Try to find somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed or overhead by other people.  It’s important that you feel you can share openly, and that the coach can clearly hear you.


Distractions: If you can become distracted in meetings, perhaps turn off notifications (Slack, email, etc) and/or switch your phone to ‘do not disturb’ mode. Just remember to turn them back on afterwards so you don’t miss important reminders.

Notes: You’re welcome to take notes during the session as a reference for later.

Zoom: Consider what set-up would best support you i.e. if you find it distracting to see yourself on screen, you could use the ‘hide self-view’ option.

Reflection: It can be helpful to spend a few minutes after the call reflecting on the conversation, clearly identifying any ideas or actions explored, and perhaps mapping a plan of what you want to do with these.

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